Meet Carol

I am an author, publisher, graphic artist and web designer with a goal of helping to create a world of peace and harmony. As a visionary catalyst and social activist, I envision many ways of creating positive change in the world and I take the necessary steps to nurture the seed until it manifests into form. I do this through my books and CDs, my personal empowerment coaching, the projects I have initiated and/or support and through my graphic design and WIX web development work.
I believe that the most important thing each of us can do to achieve peace and harmony on the planet is to love ourselves, so one of my many missions in life is to help people achieve that goal. I do this through my Lighten Up and Free Yourself from Fear processes. I also encourage people to participate in the Only Love Prevails World Peace Experiment that Victor and I initiated in 1996.
CLICK HERE for more information and to purchase my instantly downloadable Journey to an Open Heart package that includes two MP3 Workshop recordings and two ebooks.
Carol's Design Bio (2016-present)
(Click here to see Carol's complete Professional Bio)
Web developer
Graphic designer
Personal Empowerment Coach
Gather the Women Board Member (2022-23)
Executive Director of Clayton Valley Village 501c3 nonprofit (2020-21)
Implemented various monthly Zoom gatherings for Clayton Valley Village
Arranged for and facilitated speaker presentations via Zoom for the public sponsored by Clayton Valley Village.
Redesigned the website in WIX
Continued as co-editor of Clayton Valley Village Newsletter
Started a new blog WWPI to be launched in January 2021
Initiated the International Women's Day Drumming Circle & designed website (annual ongoing)
Designed and maintain new WIX website for Ernie Chalco ( (ongoing)
Designing new WIX website for Susan Miller (in progress)
Designing a new 5WCW WIX website in collaboration with Jean Bolen (in progress)
Continue to maintain 5WCW Facebook group (ongoing)
Continue to maintain author Jean Shinoda Bolen's various Facebook pages
Continue to maintain the following Facebook pages: CarolHansenGrey-Author, ClaytonValleyVillage, OurACIMStories, OpenHeartPress,
RevolutionaryWomenElders, BeAwakeBeAware, HouseAndGardenTips,
ACIM50Principles, FavoriteACIMQuotes, EllenPotthoffDCND,
SpirituallyConsciousActivists, FeminineFaceOfLeadership
Designed and maintained Memorial website for Judy Whitson
Designed and maintain new WIX website for author Jean Shinoda Bolen (ongoing)
Designed and maintain new WIX frontend website for Clayton Valley Village
Designed and maintain new WIX website for Ellen Potthoff, DC, ND.
Co-created a new monthly newsletter (Our Village Voice) for Clayton Valley Village (ongoing)
Designed multiple event logos for Clayton Valley Village
Designed and had printed multiple promotional materials for Clayton Valley Village
Designed and had printed multiple promotional materials for 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW)
Continue to maintain and update 5WCW Facebook group
Designed and published Empower Yourself Now! coloring book and journal
Continue to maintain author Jean Shinoda Bolen's various Facebook pages
Created and Published Know You Are Loved book (Nov. 1, 2017)
Created website and Facebook page
Ongoing design projects for author Jean Shinoda Bolen
Designed FreeYourselfFromFear website
Ongoing multiple design projects for the Foundation for Inner Peace
Designed the graphics for the ACIM 50 Principles (Click here for the full collection of Weekly Thoughts designed by Carol)
(Click here for the 50 Principles designed by Carol)
Created and maintain Facebook Groups for ACIM 50 Principles, ACIM Favorite Quotes and ACIM Stories
Continue to maintain 5WCW Facebook group (ongoing)
Continue to maintain author Jean Shinoda Bolen's various Facebook pages
Ongoing multiple design projects for the Foundation for Inner Peace
Ongoing multiple design projects for author Jean Shinoda Bolen
Designed 54 ACIM Weekly Thoughts and built subscriber list to over 21,000
Redesigned new website for Dr. Ellen Potthoff
Designed timeline covers and maintained Facebook pages for multiple clients/projects
Designed logos for multiple clients/projects
Created and maintain 5WCW Facebook group (ongoing)